Elements of Color

Knowing the basic elements of color will help you control and design what's happening in the world of your image. The six elements of colors are value, saturation, neutral, temperature, texture, opacity. Value Value is the relative darkness or lightness of a color. If we look at a color in [...]

2023-05-14T13:26:41+05:30Categories: Creativity|Tags: , , |

A-Roll and B-Roll Footage Video Editing

A-Roll Footage A-roll footage is the main shot you want to focus on. A-roll shows the main subject of the scene while B-roll shots are supplemental footage that shows everything else. A story with simply A-roll footage might feel off-balance; this is why shooting B-roll is important. The term for [...]

2023-02-04T19:32:31+05:30Categories: Creativity|Tags: |

Common Workflow in Adobe Premiere Pro

In the article i will discuss about commonly used workflow in various panel in Premiere Pro. Workflow in Source Panel Play clip between 'Mark In' and 'Mark Out' pointWindows: CTRL + SHIFT + SpacebarMac: Option + K Maximize Source/Program/Project panelPress ~ key Move playhead to mark in/out pointSHIFT + i/o [...]

2023-02-11T19:52:37+05:30Categories: Creativity|Tags: |

Masking | Adobe Premiere Pro

Introduction Mask define a specific area in a clip that you want to blur, cover, highlight, apply effects, or color-correct. Mask can be drawn using the shape tool (ellipse, 4-point polygon) or pen tool. Ellipse mask is for creating a circular or elliptical mask. 4-point polygon is for making squares, [...]

2020-04-25T00:58:06+05:30Categories: Creativity|Tags: |

Adjustment Layer | Adobe Premiere Pro

Introduction Adjustment layer appears in Project Browser and can be added to sequence in same way any other clip would. It acts as a layer that is completely separate from footage. They are used to apply effects, similar to a standard video track. Advantage is that if want to change [...]

2020-04-23T18:39:27+05:30Categories: Creativity|Tags: |

Lumetri Scopes | Adobe Premiere Pro

Introduction Lumetri Scopes display color information about image. It is used for color correcting footage. Computer monitor, ambient lighting in room can affect how you see color in image, so scopes are used to get the best color results possible. Waveform It shows the intensity of both the luminance (brightness) [...]

2020-04-21T18:47:43+05:30Categories: Creativity|Tags: |

Default Transitions | Adobe Premiere Pro

Introduction Premiere Pro has default video and audio transitions which can be added to clips. Default transition for video and audio are Cross-Dissolve and Constant Power respectively. A outline marks indicates default transition in the Effects panel. Default Audio and Video Transition Effect To set a transition effect as default, [...]

2020-03-09T13:47:44+05:30Categories: Creativity|Tags: |

Motion Effects | Adobe Premiere Pro

Introduction Motion effect used to adjust position, scale, or rotate of clip within the video frame. To animate clips, set keyframes for Motion properties. To view and adjust the Motion effect properties, open Effect Controls panel and click the triangle next to the Motion name. Position, scale, or rotation of [...]

2020-03-04T20:23:16+05:30Categories: Creativity|Tags: |

Multi-Camera Editing | Adobe Premiere Pro

Introduction Multicamera editing feature is helpful for editing footage captured with multiple cameras. Several cameras my be used for shooting different shots of the action from different angles. To view all camera angles at the same time and switch between them, Multi Camera Source Sequence is flexible way to work [...]

2020-02-28T19:29:45+05:30Categories: Creativity|Tags: |
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