Straightening a Image in Adobe Photoshop

There are several ways that you can straightening an image in Photoshop. First we will discuss how to use crop tool to straighten the image. Next we will go through the application of ruler tool for image straightening. Using Crop Tool Select the crop tool, by tapping the C keyChoose [...]

2022-07-14T09:19:52+05:30Categories: Creativity|Tags: |

Crop Images in Adobe Photoshop

There may be instances when you need to crop or straighten an image. Crop tool in Adobe Adobe Photoshop is used for cropping images. Crop Tool in Adobe Photoshop To select crop tool, tap the C key on the keyboard, but we can also select it from the toolbar (Image [...]

2022-07-14T08:41:42+05:30Categories: Creativity|Tags: |

Using Image Size to Change Document Dimensions

Pixel dimensions measure the total number of pixels along an image’s width and height. Resolution is the fineness of detail in a bitmap image and is measured in pixels per inch (ppi). The more pixels per inch, the greater the resolution. When changing the Dimensions or Resolution, image data remains [...]

2022-07-13T21:43:30+05:30Categories: Creativity|Tags: |

Keyboard Shortcut in Adobe Photoshop

This article discuss about commonly used keyboard shortcut in Adobe Photoshop. Using these keyboard shortcut will improve our productivity. ZoomPress key z and drag.Fit on Screen : CTRL + 0100% : CTRL + 1Zoom In: CTRL + +Zoom Out: CTRL + -Screen Mode (Change how the image is displayed)Press key [...]

2022-08-25T08:30:55+05:30Categories: Creativity|Tags: |

Adobe Photoshop hacks

Change canvas size Choose Image → Canvas Size from the menu. The Canvas Size dialog box appears. The current size of your canvas appears at the top of the dialog box. Modify the size as per you wish. Rotate Layer First, go to File–>Open and select your image. You will [...]

2022-07-13T09:03:23+05:30Categories: Creativity|Tags: |
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