- Print maximum number of A’s using given four keys
Explanation : To print maximum number of As using four keys of special keyboard - Length of the longest substring without repeating characters
- Maximum difference between node and its ancestor in Binary Tree
- Given a number, find the next smallest palindrome
- Construct Complete Binary Tree from its Linked List Representation
- Bottom View of a Binary Tree
- Searching for Patterns
Reference :- Knuth–Morris–Pratt(KMP) Pattern Matching(Substring search) - Find if a given string can be represented from a substring by iterating the substring “n” times
- Huffman Coding
- Non-crossing lines to connect points in a circle
Reference :- Proof of Catalan numbers on a circle - Merge k sorted arrays
- Merge k sorted linked lists
- Merge Overlapping Intervals
- Minimum Number of Platforms Required for a Railway/Bus Station
- Minimum steps to reach a destination
- Root to leaf path sum equal to a given number
- Minimum number of jumps to reach end
Explanation :- Minimum jump to reach end
Minimum Jumps Linear Approach - Subset Sum Problem
- Write a function to get the intersection point of two Linked Lists
- Check divisibility in a binary stream
- Inorder Tree Traversal without Recursion
- Merge two BSTs with limited extra space
- Wildcard Pattern Matching
- Validity of a given Tic-Tac-Toe board configuration
- Graph Coloring