When video and audio are imported into Adobe Premiere Pro, some information about these files are cached for faster performance. Sometimes, these cache folders get too large, or contain a corrupt file. By default, both the cache files (in the Media Cache Files folder) and the media cache database files (in the Media Cache folder) are stored in these locations:

Mac: /Users//Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common
Windows: \Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common

In order to clean the media cache, delete these files. You can change the media cache location under Preferences > Media Cache in Premiere Pro.

Media cache can also be deleted from the application i.e.

  • On a Mac, open up Premiere Pro and go to Premiere >  Preferences > Media Cache
  • On a PC, go to Edit > Preferences > Media Cache

From here, click the Clean Unused button and cache data that is not being used in the current project open will be removed and deleted. Other options in Media Cache Database section are

  • Set an automatic delete function that deletes cache files older than a certain age.
  • Set a maximum data amount that you don’t want your computer to exceed.
  • Set to never delete automatically and to simply do it yourself by using the ‘Clean Unused’ button.