
Software Interview questions : Set 11

Extract maximum numeric value from a given string Sorted subsequence of size 3 Find four elements a, b, c and d in an array such that a+b = c+d Find Excel column name from a given column number Maximum product of a triplet (subsequnece of size 3) in array Find [...]

2019-06-03T23:08:25+05:30Categories: Interview|Tags: |

Software Interview questions : Set 10

Given a binary string, count number of substrings that start and end with 1 Given a string, find its first non-repeating character Generate n-bit Gray Codes Function to check if a singly linked list is palindrome Floor in a Sorted Array Find the transition point in a binary array Find [...]

2018-10-02T16:56:57+05:30Categories: Interview|Tags: |

Software Interview questions : Set 9

Maximize value of (arr[i] – i) – (arr[j] – j) in an array Maximum sum of i*arr[i] among all rotations of a given array Maximum Sum Path in Two Arrays Merge two sorted lists (in-place) Minimum sum of squares of character counts in a given string after removing k characters [...]

2019-02-01T20:11:23+05:30Categories: Interview|Tags: |

Software Interview questions : Set 8

Print level order traversal line by line Print all nodes in a binary tree having K leaves Print K’th element in spiral form of matrix Print Common Nodes in Two Binary Search Trees Vertical Sum in a given Binary Tree Number of buildings facing the sun Number of Groups of [...]

2019-10-13T16:21:00+05:30Categories: Interview|Tags: |

Software Interview questions : Set 7

Sorted Linked List to Balanced BST Sort linked list which is already sorted on absolute values Sort a linked list of 0s, 1s and 2s Sort an array of 0s, 1s and 2s Explanation :-Dutch national flag sorting problem Reverse a stack using recursion Sort a stack using recursion Search [...]

2018-03-14T23:09:29+05:30Categories: Interview|Tags: |

Software Interview questions : Set 6

XOR of all subarray XORs Explanation :- Bitwise XOR of all sub-arrays of an integer array in O(n) Iterative function to check if two trees are identical Count all distinct pairs with difference equal to k Given two unsorted arrays, find all pairs whose sum is x Union and Intersection [...]

2019-05-28T14:58:01+05:30Categories: Interview|Tags: |

Provide colleagues feedback on their performance

Giving feedback to colleagues on their performance, consider below things Be honest with your colleagues. If you are providing feedback to your colleagues, you will be doing them a disservice if you are not honest and straightforward. You may garner the best results by talking with each colleague individually so [...]

2018-08-11T13:02:46+05:30Categories: Interview|

System Design Interview Questions

How to Design YouTube How to Design Twitter Design a Recommendation System Design Facebook Chat Function Random ID Generator OOP Battleship implementation in Java Design a deck of cards Explanation :- Implementing a deck of cards Design a restaurant reservation system Design a two player online chess game Explanation :- Design a [...]

2024-04-17T23:20:34+05:30Categories: Interview|Tags: |

Things most people ignored In a coding interview

Big-O analysis Prepare space and time complexity of the problems. Input validation Validate all your input, which is true for both production code and interviews. However, many people assume inputs are all validated without even asking. Ask interviewers for clarification, which can save you from unnecessary checkings. For instance, you [...]

2017-09-24T12:49:44+05:30Categories: Interview|Tags: |

Software Interview questions : Set 4

Palindrome Partitioning Related Video :- Palindrome Partition Dynamic Programming Calculate the angle between hour hand and minute hand Explanation :- Angle between hour hand and minute Minimum Cost Path Number of subsequences of the form a^i b^j c^k Explanation :- String and sub-sequences problem Find index of an extra element present [...]

2018-07-31T20:49:32+05:30Categories: Interview|Tags: |
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