Command Line Hacks in Linux

Open current directory from Terminalxdg-open .Above command will be open current directory (single dot) in file explorer. xdg-open opens a file or URL in the user's preferred application. Syntax of the command isxdg-open {file URL}Open website from Terminalxdg-open 'http://www.freedesktop.org/'

2021-12-18T10:59:00+05:30Categories: Linux|Tags: |

Managing Packages in Linux using CLI

Packages can be updates using graphical user interface (GUI) and command line interface (CLI) in Linux. This post discusses about various commands which can be used for managing the software installed on the device running Linux. Linux package manger working Installing Packages apt-get is the command-line tool for handling packages. [...]

2021-12-16T18:13:58+05:30Categories: Linux|Tags: |
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