- Find two non-overlapping pairs having equal sum in an array
- Find k pairs with smallest sums in two arrays
- Random number generator in arbitrary probability distribution fashion
- 3-Way QuickSort
- Merge Sort
- Check whether a binary tree is a complete tree or not
- Check if a given binary tree is heap
- Check if a given array represents a binary heap
- Convert min heap to max heap
- Find Minimum and Maximum element in an array using minimum comparisons
- Find a peak element in a 2D array
- Find first or last occurrence of a given number in a sorted array
- Find frequency of each element in a limited range array
- Count frequencies of all elements in array
- Find Floor and Ceil of a number in a sorted array
- Longest alternating subsequence
- Maximum sum alternating subsequence
- Longest Zig-Zag Subsequence
- Find the missing number in Arithmetic Progression
- Coin Change Problem (number of ways to get the denomination of coins)
- Print all combinations of points that can compose a given number
- Maximize the value of an expression
- Minimum and Maximum values of an expression with * and +
- Partition of a set into K subsets with equal sum
- K-Partition Problem | Printing all Partitions
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