
Software Interview questions : Set 16

Count set bits in an integer Find a triplet such that sum of two equals to third element Set Matrix Zeroes Group Anagrams Find a peak element Search for a Range Search a 2D Matrix II Jump Game Coin Change Design a data structure that supports insert, delete, search and [...]

2018-07-06T23:15:55+05:30Categories: Interview|Tags: |

Desigining of Recommendation Systems

Typical components in ecommerce recommendation system include identification of primary driver items and the identification of affinity items Purchased shopping carts items. Items added to carts but abandoned. Pricing experiments online where they offer the same products at different prices and see the results. Wishlists - what's on them specifically [...]

2020-05-23T13:17:41+05:30Categories: Interview|Tags: |

Phone Interviews: Do’s and Don’ts

Do’s: Do set the stage and make sure the environment is optimal. Make sure you have a good cell phone/Skype reception prior to the interview. If possible, consider working from home that day so that you’re in a more comfortable. Do block time out of your calendar. If the call [...]

2018-02-10T11:35:58+05:30Categories: Interview|

Software Interview questions : Set 15

Print maximum number of A’s using given four keys Explanation : To print maximum number of As using four keys of special keyboardLength of the longest substring without repeating charactersMaximum difference between node and its ancestor in Binary TreeGiven a number, find the next smallest palindromeConstruct Complete Binary Tree from [...]

2020-04-25T19:12:36+05:30Categories: Interview|Tags: |

Software Interview questions : Set 14

Find the first circular tour that visits all petrol pumps Power Set Find all distinct subsets of a given set Printing Longest Common Subsequence Optimal Strategy for a Game Reference :- Coins in a Line Minimum insertions to form a palindrome Maximum sum rectangle in a 2D matrix Reference :- [...]

2017-12-09T13:18:30+05:30Categories: Interview|Tags: |

Software Interview questions : Set 13

Construct Binary Tree from given Parent Array representation Calculate XOR from 1 to n Connect Nodes at same Level Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List Clone a linked list with next and random pointer in O(1) space Detect cycle in an undirected graph Delete nodes which have a greater value [...]

2018-08-05T13:09:26+05:30Categories: Interview|Tags: |

Software Interview questions : Set 12

Longest Palindromic Subsequence Design a stack that supports getMin() in O(1) time and O(1) extra space Depth First Traversal or DFS for a Graph Count Inversions in an array Extract Leaves of a Binary Tree in a Doubly Linked List Check if a given sequence of moves for a robot [...]

2018-08-04T12:10:11+05:30Categories: Interview|Tags: |

How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself”

What is the interviewer trying to achieve by asking you to “Tell him about yourself”? His ultimate goal for this interview is to find out enough about you to decide if you’re a good fit for the job opening. He is hoping that this question will get you talking. His [...]

2017-10-06T20:05:47+05:30Categories: Interview|Tags: |
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