1. Print maximum number of A’s using given four keys
    Explanation : To print maximum number of As using four keys of special keyboard
  2. Length of the longest substring without repeating characters
  3. Maximum difference between node and its ancestor in Binary Tree
  4. Given a number, find the next smallest palindrome
  5. Construct Complete Binary Tree from its Linked List Representation
  6. Bottom View of a Binary Tree
  7. Searching for Patterns
    Reference :- Knuth–Morris–Pratt(KMP) Pattern Matching(Substring search)
  8. Find if a given string can be represented from a substring by iterating the substring “n” times
  9. Huffman Coding
  10. Non-crossing lines to connect points in a circle
    Reference :- Proof of Catalan numbers on a circle
  11. Merge k sorted arrays
  12. Merge k sorted linked lists
  13. Merge Overlapping Intervals
  14. Minimum Number of Platforms Required for a Railway/Bus Station
  15. Minimum steps to reach a destination
  16. Root to leaf path sum equal to a given number
  17. Minimum number of jumps to reach end
    Explanation :- Minimum jump to reach end
    Minimum Jumps Linear Approach
  18. Subset Sum Problem
  19. Write a function to get the intersection point of two Linked Lists
  20. Check divisibility in a binary stream
  21. Inorder Tree Traversal without Recursion
  22. Merge two BSTs with limited extra space
  23. Wildcard Pattern Matching
  24. Validity of a given Tic-Tac-Toe board configuration
  25. Graph Coloring