Stacks are a type of container adaptor, specifically designed to operate in a LIFO context (last-in first-out), where elements are inserted and extracted only from one end of the container. stacks are implemented as containers adaptors, which are classes that use an encapsulated object of a specific container class as its underlying container, providing a specific set of member functions to access its elements. Elements are pushed/popped from the “back” of the specific container, which is known as the top of the stack.
Member Functions
- bool empty() const;
Returns whether the stack is empty: i.e. whether its size is zero. - void pop();
Removes the element on top of the stack, effectively reducing its size by one. - void push (const value_type& val);
void push (value_type&& val);
Inserts a new element at the top of the stack, above its current top element. The content of this new element is initialized to a copy of val. - size_type size() const;
Returns the number of elements in the stack. - void swap (stack& x) noexcept;
Exchanges the contents of the container adaptor (*this) by those of x. - reference& top();
const_reference& top() const;
Returns a reference to the top element in the stack.
#include <iostream> #include <stack> using namespace std; int main () { stack <int> s; int sum = 0; s.push(10); s.push(30); s.push(20); s.push(5); s.push(1); // Size of stack cout << s.size(); // Top element of the stack cout <<; // Removing top element s.pop(); // Traversing till the end of the stack while (!s.empty()) { sum +=; s.pop(); } return 0; }