- Do set the stage and make sure the environment is optimal. Make sure you have a good cell phone/Skype reception prior to the interview. If possible, consider working from home that day so that you’re in a more comfortable.
- Do block time out of your calendar. If the call is proposed for 30 minutes, try to block out between 10-15 minutes on either side of the call just in case there are any delays.
- Do research on the company & the position you’re applying for. Make sure you carefully read the job description and highlight some skills mentioned and be able to speak specifically to them. Having questions ready to go will also show off your research which will certainly help in giving you additional kudos!
- Do think about what the recruiter may ask you. By putting yourself in the recruiter’s shoes, you will be one step ahead and better prepared, providing clearer and more insightful answers to their questions.
- Do be ready to share some success stories. During the call, you’ll most likely be asked situational questions where you can demonstrate how you’ve applied your skills & strengths. By thinking about those situations ahead of time and having your success stories ready to go, you’ll be able to articulate them in the most persuasive and effective way.
- Don’t provide one word answers. The recruiter will wish to know more about you and why you’d be a good fit. Providing one word answers throughout can sometimes be taken as a disinterest or lack of preparation for the call.
- Don’t go wayward. Going on and on and on can be confusing for the listener to follow and sometimes it can even be disengaging. Be short, concise, and to the point. Make sure you align your answers in a way that provide succinct replies without too much detail or without going off-topic. If unsure, stop and ask the interviewer, “Did that answer your question?” By asking questions, it can then allow the interviewer to guide the conversation back to what is relevant, giving you the opportunity to answer the question in more than one way.
- Be sure to dress in relation to the role you’ve applied for. A tee shirt is normally fine, however anything less on the top half can seem unprofessional. Even if this is an informal phone conversation, “dressing up” can absolutely help get you in the zone and help you prepare for the conversation.
- Don’t get ahead of yourself. Your ultimate career goal may be a director role or even CEO, but we recommend focusing on the role you are interviewing for right now. We love people who are driven and motivated to grow, but we want to see that you’re excited about the role you’ve applied for.
- When discussing salary expectations during the initial phone interview, we recommend not going into hard negotiations or ultimatums right away. Focus on getting the offer for the job you’re applying for first, then negotiate your salary.