Memento Design Pattern is a Behavioral design pattern. It offers a solution to implement undoable actions. Memento pattern is used to save and restore the previous state of an object without revealing the details of its implementation.
- Capture the internal state of an object without violating encapsulation.
- Providing a mean for restoring the object into initial state when needed.
- Save checkpoints in application and restore back to those checkpoints later.
Following are the participants in Memento Design Pattern
- Originator : Object for which the state is to be saved. It knows how to create and save it’s state.
- Caretaker : It keeps track of multiple mementos.
- Memento : Maintain the state of Originator. It is written and read by the Originator. A memento must be in immutable object so that no one can change it’s state once created.
Originator can produce and consume a Memento, while Caretaker only keeps the state before restoring it.

In this example, memento is created and restored for Article object.
public class Article { private String title; private String content; public Article(String title) { this.title = title; } //Create Memento public ArticleMemento createMemento() { ArticleMemento m = new ArticleMemento(title, content); return m; } // Restore Memento public void restore(ArticleMemento m) { this.title = m.getTitle(); this.content = m.getContent(); } @Override public String toString() { return "Article : Title=" + title + ", Content=" + content; } void setContent(String s){ content = s; } } // Memento Class public final class ArticleMemento { private final String title; private final String content; public ArticleMemento(String title, String content) { this.title = title; this.content = content; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public String getContent() { return content; } } // The Main class is acting as Caretaker which creates and restores the memento objects. public class MementoTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Article article = new Article("Article1"); // Add Content article.setContent("Content"); System.out.println(article); // Create memento ArticleMemento memento = article.createMemento(); // Update Content article.setContent("ContentChanged"); System.out.println(article); // Restore article.restore(memento); } }