Logical operator allows to test for the truth of a condition. Similar to a comparison operator, a logical operator returns a value of true, false, or unknown. Logical operators are:
Operator | Description |
AND | Return true if both expressions are true |
OR | Return true if either expression is true |
NOT | Toggle a single boolean argument |
AND Operator
This operator allows you to construct multiple conditions in the WHERE clause of an SQL statement. AND operator returns true if both expressions evaluate to true. Following is the syntax
expression1 AND expression2
OR Operator
This operator combines multiple conditions in an SQL statement’s WHERE clause. OR operator returns true if a least one expression evaluates to true.
expression1 OR expression2
NOT Operator
NOT operator takes a single boolean as an argument and changes its value from false to true or from true to false. Following is the syntax
NOT expression
Consider below employee info table.

Below example shows the sample usage of AND, NOT and OR operator.
SELECT * FROM employleinfo WHERE age > 19 AND age < 50 /* Output of above query */ id firstName lastName age city 1 Rahul Bhagwat 20 Noida 5 Erica Edwards 40 Chennai 7 Shekar Chandra 43 Delhi 9 Garima Singh 30 Lucknow SELECT * FROM employleinfo WHERE age > 19 OR age < 50 /* Output of above query */ id firstName lastName age city 1 Rahul Bhagwat 20 Noida 2 Stephen Fleming 17 Delhi 3 Sebastian Smith 19 Patna 4 New Name Sharma 50 Mumbai 5 Erica Edwards 40 Chennai 6 Priya Gowda 50 Pune 7 Shekar Chandra 43 Delhi 9 Garima Singh 30 Lucknow 8 Rahul Singh 19 Patna SELECT * FROM employleinfo WHERE age > 19 AND NOT age < 50 /* Output of above query */ id firstName lastName age city 4 New Name Sharma 50 Mumbai 6 Priya Gowda 50 Pune
Special Operators
IS NULL operator compares a value with a null value and returns true if the compared value is null; otherwise, it returns false. For example, the following statement finds all employees whose age is not known.
SELECT firstName, lastName FROM employleinfo WHERE age IS NULL;
BETWEEN Operator
BETWEEN operator searches for values that are within a set of values, given the minimum value and maximum value. For example, the following statement finds all employees whose age s are between range.
SELECT firstName, lastName FROM employleinfo WHERE age BETWEEN 19 AND 40
IN Operator
IN operator compares a value to a list of specified values. The IN operator returns true if the compared value matches at least one value in the list; otherwise, it returns false. The following statement finds all employees based on age.
SELECT firstName, lastName, age FROM employleinfo WHERE age IN (19, 40) /* Output of query */ firstName lastName age Sebastian Smith 19 Erica Edwards 40 Rahul Singh 19
LIKE Operator
LIKE operator compares a value to similar values using a wildcard operator. SQL provides two wildcards used in conjunction with the LIKE operator:
- Percent sign ( %) represents zero, one, or multiple characters.
- Underscore sign ( _) represents a single character.
SELECT firstName, lastName, age FROM employleinfo WHERE firstName LIKE '%ri%' OR lastName LIKE 'Smit_' /* Output of query */ firstName lastName age Sebastian Smith 19 Erica Edwards 40 Priya Gowda 50 Garima Singh 30
ALL Operator
This operator compares a value to all values in another value set. The ALL operator must be preceded by a comparison operator and followed by a subquery. The following example finds all employees whose age are greater than all age of employees in a given city.
SELECT firstName, lastName, age, city FROM employleinfo WHERE age >= ALL ( SELECT age FROM employleinfo WHERE city ='Patna') /* Query output */ firstName lastName age city Rahul Bhagwat 20 Noida Sebastian Smith 19 Patna New Name Sharma 50 Mumbai Erica Edwards 40 Chennai Priya Gowda 50 Pune Shekar Chandra 43 Delhi Garima Singh 30 Lucknow Rahul Singh 19 Patna