- Stepping over the debugger to cursor location
Right-click on the line and select “Continue to Here”. - Set and unset the breakpoint to the line where your cursor is flashing
Command -\ - Right click for those with a one button mouse
Control + click - Find matching brace, bracket or parenthesis
Double tap on one of the nested parenthesis, code within the braces will be highlighted. - Commenting out multiple lines of code
Command + / - Search through and open any file
Command + Shift + O - See the scope of functions and braces
Command + mouse hover over the braces. - Fold the scope by one level.
Command + Alt (Option) + Left arrow key
To open the scope, select right arrow key - Jump to the function definition
Command + Click - Navigating between accessed files
Command + Control + Left or Right arrow keys to navigate between the previous and next files that you accessed - Go to line number in file
Command + L
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