In a table, a column may contain many duplicate values. DISTINCT keyword can be used to return only distinct values. It can be used with aggregates i.e. COUNT, AVG, MAX, etc.
SELECT DISTINCT column_name FROM table_name;
Above query returns only distinct values in the specified column. To find distinct values from multiple column
SELECT DISTINCT column_name1, column_name2 , ... FROM table_name;
The query uses the combination of values in all specified columns in the SELECT list to evaluate the uniqueness. Below syntax uses DISTINCT with aggregates.
SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT column_name) FROM table_name
Consider below table

Below example filters the distinct result set based on age and city.
SELECT DISTINCT age FROM employleeinfo /* Query Result */ age 20 17 19 50 40 43 30 SELECT DISTINCT age,city FROM employleeinfo /* Query Result */ age city 20 Noida 17 Delhi 19 Patna 50 Mumbai 40 Chennai 50 Pune 43 Delhi 30 Lucknow