The Compile SDK Version is the version of Android in which you write code. If you choose 5.0, you can write code with all the APIs in version 21. If you choose 2.2, you can write code only with the APIs that are in version 2.2 or earlier. Note that if you use the Support Library, compiling with the latest SDK is a requirement for using the latest Support Library releases. For example, to use the 23.1.1 Support Library, you must have a compileSdkVersion of at least 23 (those first numbers need to match!). In general, a new version of the Support Library is released alongside a new platform version, providing compatibility shims to newly added APIs as well as new features.
If compileSdkVersion sets the newest APIs available to you, minSdkVersion is the lower bound for your app. The minSdkVersion is one of the signals the Google Play Store uses to determine which of a user’s devices an app can be installed on. Android operating system (OS) versions are backward-compatible. If your minSdkVersion is set to Android version 4.0, for example, your application can run on Android 5.0, 4.4, 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, and 4.0. The benefit of choosing the 4.0 framework is that your application is exposed to a much larger market share. Your app can be installed on devices going back to 4.0 (and on future versions, too!).
If your Minimum SDK Version is not the same as your Compile SDK Version, you must take great care! For example, you might set your Compile SDK Version to 5.0 in order to use the latest APIs and your Minimum SDK Version to 16 to support devices running Android 4.1, but your app will crash if you use 5.0 APIs and run it on an Android 4.1 device (because Android 4.1 did not have any of 5.0’s APIs).
The Google Play Store decides which users to show your app to based on your minSdkVersion. If you’re having trouble deciding which version to set as your minimum, the current version distribution chart can help you decide.
targetSdkVersion is the main way Android provides forward compatibility by not applying behavior changes unless the targetSdkVersion is updated. Set the targetSdkVersion to the most recent version of Android that you have tested on. In this case, you are building and testing against Lollipop, so that’s what you’ll set your targetSdkVersion to.
Whenever a new version of Android comes out, you will want to update the targetSdkVersion to the latest Android version and test your app to fix any problems. If you don’t update the targetSdkVersion, Android devices will assume that your app wasn’t tested on the latest version of Android, so they may introduce some backward-compatibility behavior for your app to make sure your app still looks and feels the way you designed it for that older version of Android. It gets a little tricky, so the best policy is to always keep your targetSdkVersion up to date with the latest versions of Androd.
Putting it all together
If you made it through the bolded notes, you’ll notice a relationship between the three values:
minSdkVersion <= targetSdkVersion <= compileSdkVersion
Ideally, the relationship would look more like this in the steady state:
minSdkVersion (lowest possible) <= targetSdkVersion == compileSdkVersion (latest SDK)
You’ll hit the biggest audience with a low minSdkVersion and look and act the best by targeting and compiling with the latest SDK .