Operating System

Terminal and Shell in Linux

This post explains the term Terminal, Shell and Bash used in Linux. After reading this post you should be able to distinguish between these conmanly related terms. Terminal Terminal is a program called a terminal emulator. It opens a window and lets you interact with the shell. Various types of [...]

2020-11-06T22:05:52+05:30Categories: Linux|

Double dot and Single dot in Linux

Single dot (.) represents the directory you are in and double dot (.. ) represents the parent directory. So ./A refers to a file that ought to be in your current working directory. The dot (.) operator is also known as source. In the below example, first dot is the [...]

2020-11-03T00:04:24+05:30Categories: Linux|

Register Application Class in Android

Application is the base class for maintaining global application state. You can provide your own implementation by creating a subclass and specifying the name of this subclass as the android:name attribute in <application> of AndroidManifest.xml. The Application class, or your subclass of the Application class, is instantiated before any other [...]

2020-11-01T23:03:03+05:30Categories: Android|

Custom Attributes to a View in Android

Android framework provides a set of base classes and XML tags to create a custom view. For example, say we need to set typeface to our text views. All of the view classes defined in the Android framework extend View. A custom view can also extend View directly, or can [...]

2020-10-18T20:46:49+05:30Categories: Android|Tags: |

Gravity and Layout_Gravity in Android

Gravity attributes defined in Android are android:gravity : Sets the gravity of the contents (i.e. its subviews) of the View it's used on. Gravity arranges the content inside the view.android:layout_gravity : Sets the gravity of the View or Layout relative to its parent. It arranges a view in its layout. [...]

2020-09-17T13:15:31+05:30Categories: Android|

FrameLayout in Android

Introduction Framelayout in Android is a ViewGroup subclass. It is used to specify the position of View instances it contains on the top of each other to display only single View inside the FrameLayout. It is designed to block out an area on the screen to display a single item. [...]

2020-09-17T14:29:41+05:30Categories: Android|

Relative Positioning in ConstraintLayout

Relative positioning in ConstraintLayout is the basic building blocks of creating layouts. Constraints used in relative positioning allow to position a given widget relative to another one. A widget can be constrained on both the horizontal and vertical axis i.e. Horizontal Axis: It allows to constraint left, right, start and [...]

2020-08-16T20:56:52+05:30Categories: Android|

GuideLine and Barrier in ConstraintLayout

A ConstraintLayout is a android.view.ViewGroup used to position and size widgets in a flexible way. GuideLine and Barrier in ConstraintLayout are special helper objects to help you with your layout. Both are used to constraint layout. Guideline Guidelines are invisible lines that you can place at particular positions in your [...]

2020-08-16T17:16:23+05:30Categories: Android|

Layout Editor in Android Studio

Layout Editor in Android Studio is used for building layouts. It enables you to build layouts by dragging UI elements into a visual design editor instead of writing layout XML. The design editor can preview layout on different Android devices and versions. You can position the elements in the layout, [...]

2020-08-16T13:09:01+05:30Categories: Android|Tags: |

Unique Device ID for Android Devices

There are several occasions when the unique identifier of a device is required. For instance to generate encryption keys or to track installations. On Android there are several ways to get such an ID. This tutorial examines various solution to associate unique identifier to a android device. Using IMEI, MEID [...]

2020-07-12T16:26:06+05:30Categories: Android|
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